Organize My Life Photoshoot with Owner Emily Devereaux

perfectionistic helper, self-taught organizer, time management strategist, color-coding connoisseur, master of the details, sentimental to the core, teacher of automation, delegation, and self love.

been keeping it real since '92.

been keeping it real since '92.

Emily Devereaux is the owner of Organize My Life

I'm the type of friend who will always be honest, because I love you too much to lie. I love HARD. (Like, seriously hard!) I’ll cheer you on when you're chasing your dreams and encourage you when self-doubt enters the chat. You can count on me to mention your name in a room full of opportunities and to celebrate your wins as if they were my own. If you want a friend who refuses to let you settle for anything less than your full potential, can we please make it official already?

Emily Devereaux Photoshoot

fun facts

about me

Enneagram: One Wing Two

Favorite Color: Black, like my soul (haha!)

Life Must Haves: Chocolate, Coffee, + Chick-fil-A

Toxic Trait: I am foreign to the idea of “going with the flow.”

Random: I love M&Ms in my popcorn!

Love Language: Words of Affirmation + Sentimental Gifts

Bucket List Location: Ireland

Favorite Quote: Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. -Jennifer Lee

Bible Verse to Live By: Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. -1 Peter 4:10

I am authentic, intentional, and integrous.

I am authentic, intentional, and integrous.

I am unapologetically obsessed with my family.

I am unapologetically obsessed with my family.

I take pride in being extra and over-the-top in everything.

I take pride in being extra and over-the-top in everything.

Owner of OML Emily Devereaux

Welcome to my little corner of the internet!

I'm so excited to have you here. Allow me to introduce myself – I'm [Emily but my friends call me “Em”], a self-proclaimed organizing enthusiast with a serious love affair with coffee and chocolate (but who can blame me?).

You know that person who color-codes their sock drawer and alphabetizes their spice rack? Yep, guilty as charged! I genuinely believe that a neat and organized space has the power to change lives. Now, some might call it an obsession, but I prefer to think of it as my superpower. When the world feels chaotic, trust me, I'm your go-to gal with color-coded Post-it notes ready to whip everything into shape.

But hey, life isn't all about perfectly lined up spice jars (although it's a close second!). In addition to being a professional organizer, I'm also a full-time homeschool mama, military wife, and house-reno junkie! Balancing motherhood and running my own business might sound like a wild ride (and trust me, it is!), but every day I'm reminded that love, coffee, and chocolate are the unstoppable fuels that power me through.

Now, let's chat about coffee for a moment, shall we? It's the elixir of life, a morning ritual that electrifies my soul and jumpstarts my organizing adventures. There's something almost magical about that first sip of a perfectly brewed cup of joe – it's like a caffeine-infused dance party for the taste buds.

Oh, and chocolate! How can we forget about that glorious, sweet indulgence? It's my guilty pleasure, my endorphin-booster, and my reward for successfully organizing the chaos. Life without chocolate simply isn't worth living, am I right? So, here in my world, we embrace the buzz of espresso machines, the scent of dark chocolate melting blissfully, and the serene beauty of an elegantly organized space.

From tips on conquering clutter to the perfect pairing of organizing systems, coffee blends, and chocolate varieties, you can count on me to sprinkle a little bit of joy and a whole lot of laughter into your organizing journey. So grab your favorite cup of joe, a handful of delectable chocolate treats, and let's dive into the adventure of organizing while embracing the chaos of life. Together, we'll conquer the mess, one organized frenzy at a time!

Yours in caffeinated organization,